Welcome to my site! I'm Jonah Fleishhacker, a CS student at the University of Chicago. I love computer science, music, outdoor exploration, astronomy, ecology, and sharing those passions with others.
In 2020, I built an interactive synthesizer and sequencer using Elm. It features many scales, separate keyboard/sequencer input, saving and loading files, and customizable BPM, length, and synth types. I really enjoyed making this, and still often play around with it for fun! Check it out above.
During the summer of 2020, I interned for the Bohdan Khomtchouk lab at UChicago, where I designed an application to visualize force-directed networks in augmented reality on mobile devices. Here is an early demo from the project.
During the summer of 2021, I interned for Mobius Materials, where I did full stack development (React/Django/Postgres). Responsibilities included helping create the silicon shortage tracker, migrating authentication services from Keycloak to Auth0, and implementing server-side rendering for SEO.
In 2021, I also created Covid-Twitter-Bot, a program that collects data from HHS/NYT, filters/cleans it, and posts various visualizations to my twitter page. Code, documentation and examples can be found in the linked repository. I used Python, specifically Pandas for data wrangling and Matplotlib for visualizations. The program is deployed on a heroku server with a daily schedule to fetch the data, generate the images, and post a Twitter thread.
About Me
I am a 4th year student at the University of Chicago, studying computer science and public health. In my free time, I enjoy exploring the outdoors, playing/listening to music, learning about natural sciences, and toying with data. Here's a photo of me at the Colorado national monument. Stopped by here on my drive back to SF after spring classes were moved online.
Please feel free to contact me if you have questions about anything! I am happy to discuss my projects, work experiences, outdoor adventures, or anything else you find here :)